Curious about the movie and finding the books small (less than 200 pages and measuring 4"x6") and readily available in the children's section of my local library I decided to find out for myself more about this story.

Overall the Spiderwick Chronicles follow a typical children's fantasy: the good-guys stumble upon a mystery, they encounter the bad-guys, trouble ensures, the bad-guys seem to be winning, the good-guys fight back, and in the end with the help of loyal friends the good-guys save the day. And yet The Spiderwick Chronicles aren't your average children's fantasy. This fantasy has a darker tone and the illustrations are proof enough as the trolls, ogres, and goblins look like something out of a nightmare. I must admit, the more friendly faeries and creatures are reminiscent of characters in The Borrowers or Chronicles of Narnia, but only slightly so.
The five books are short (less than 200 pages depending on the publication) and an easy children's read (they were written for 9-12 years old).
As mentioned above, there are some negative aspects to the books. First the aforementioned darker theme, which includes ogres, trolls, and some gore. Then there is also the aforementioned divorce between Mr. and Mrs. Grace, which is alluded to several times in the book, including its negative impact on the children. Last thre are the children's squabbles, fights, and name calling. Their relationship is hardly loving, though through the series they do seem to bond and stand by each other, showing in the end that they truly love each other despite their differences and personal issues. Still, these negatives can be overlooked if the reader is mature enough to handle them, or if a parent takes time to read and discuss with their child.
I wasn't able to draw my final opinion of the books until I had finished the series. At the end of the first book I just didn't know enough to draw an opinion and by the middle of the series there were still so many unanswered questions. But as I closed the fifth and final book I had my opinion. Overall I thought the series was a clever and an entertaining read, but it wasn't a favorite. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being horrible and 5 being excellent I would rate the entire series of The Spiderwick Chronicles a 2.5. It was ok, but not something I'd readily recommend to other reads and not something I would include in my personal library. However, if you are curious I would suggest you check a copy out at your local library and decide for yourself. (They are short enough fast readers can finish a book in an hour or less.)
The authors have taken on a sequel-series in the Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles, but I doubt I will read them.
As a side note, if you have seen the movie I would love to get your feedback. Please feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts on the movie, or if you've read the books and seen the movie, then your thoughts on both.
I have been a bit curious about this series. I think I will hold off from reading these and spend my time elsewhere.
I have not read all of the Chronicles of Narnia... I should finish this series before finishing one that is sub-par by reivews. Thanks.
I think these books that are enjoyed more by the younger crowd. My seven-year-old read them last year and loved them. He's very much into fantasy stories, and his reading level is pretty high so these were perfect.
I actually really want to read these because I love fantasy books. even if they are meant for children. I loved the movie. thanks for the review, it was awesome.
I, too, have been curious about this series - wondering if it was worth my time.
I'm going to take a pass but that is actually a compliment to you review which gave such a great overview of the series and covered so much ground that I feel I can make a rather informed decision about it.
So thanks! Again!
I'm actually very fond of the Spiderwick Chronicles. I may or may not re-read them, but I did enjoy them very much. (Possibly because they concern more old-fashioned fairies instead of the new kind that I see so much.)
I saw the movie and enjoyed it too. They did streamline the books quite a bit to make them suit the format, but the basic story is still there and I liked the effects. :)
I've also read the two books available from the sequel series. They're mostly more of the same, but in a fresh location with new kids.
Thanks for reviewing these, Sarah. I've often seen students taking them out of the library and thought I should find out more. Because you say they are an easy read, I might give the first one at try.
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