Because of the week I've had my husband has actually done more of the reading to o

ur daughter than I, thus I have not finished reading the large stack of library books we brought home on Tuesday, but I have found a few favorites in the little I've been able to read.
Duck & Goose Find A Pumpkin by Tad Hills is currently my daughter's favorite. I've come into the room while she is "reading" and hear her read aloud this book several times. I wanted to capture it on video, but of course she stopped reading when I came into the room. Better luck next time.
Penguins by Liz Pichon is another of her favorites. She
loves the pictures of the penguins and finds the story very funny. I have found it to be a cute interactive story book with a different type of
story plot. Look for this one at your library.
A Very Curious Bear by Tony Mitton is another cute read. This one is about a bear who asks lots of questions and the clever answers that his daddy bear gives him. I loved this one for it simplicity and yet uniqueness. This story will ring familiar of any parent to a toddler or preschooler. I especially like the ending lines: "But what am I meant for and why am I here? To live and to wonder, my darling, my dear."
Robert's Snow bvy Grace Lin might be considered a holiday book because of the appearance of Father Christmas, but I enjoyed it for its beautiful pictures and the fact that snow is a big part of the story plot. This was a fun read for my daughter who's currently fascinated with snow.
Curious George's Big Book of Curiosity is a great book to introduce children and fans of Curious George to all sorts of concepts. There's colors, shapes, parts of the body, your neighborhood, your family, just to name a few. This is a very fun book to look through with your child or for them to explore on their own.

And of course I loved both
Paddington Bear All Day and
Paddington Bear Goes to Market by Michael Bond. These picture books are inspired by the
Paddington Bear series, which I love. This is a fun introduction for little children to the brown bear from the UK. I look forward to sharing the longer stories with my daughter when she's a little older. Meanwhile, my daughter loves Paddington because he's a bear and she loves bears, isn't that reason enough?
Last weekend I didn't get a chance to post our favorites (from the previous
Monday's library trip), but they included:
Corduroy Goes to the Beach by B. G. Hennessy (inspired by Don Freeman),
Carry Me! by Rosemary Wells, and
Pigs Loves Potatoes by Anika Denise (
illustrated by Christopher Denise) to name a few.
1 comment:
I enjoyed reading about your favorites! Duck and Goose are favorites in my house as well! I'll have to look for the penguin book, too. Thanks!
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