Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Children's Picks of the Week

I am sorry to say I have a bad case of "the Mondays." I'm already behind in my list of To-Do for the week, but I didn't like missing a post about some of our favorite reads of late so here I am for the weekly pick of children's books.

As I've mentioned before, my daughter is 3 years-old. She's not yet ready for a structured preschool, but I thought it might be fun if we started doing something fun each week. You know a craft here, a special trip there, etc. As part of this we joined a casual group of moms and preschoolers who meet twice a month to have a lesson, craft, snack, game and Bible verse followed by a field trip. Each month is planned around a specific theme. September's theme is farm animals with the field trip being a trip to see all kinds of farm animals at the county fair.

We are both enjoying this opportunity to learn more about animals. We've done a few crafts, we've sung some animal songs, we've talked about animals and the sounds they make, and best of all we've read lots and lots of animal and farm books.

Two favorites that I want to highlight this week include:

Cock-a-Doodle-Quack! Quack! by Ivor Baddiel. (Published by David Fickling Books in the UK and by Random House Books in the US in 2007) This book is a great read-aloud for children ages 3-8.

In the story a baby rooster is born. Eager to begin his job on the farm he asks the other farm animals what he should say to wake them up each morning. He tries "cock-a-doodle-oink-oink" and "cock-a-doodle-moo-moo" to no avail. Finally the farm cat suggests the baby rooster go speak with the wise old owl. The wise old owl gives him a mysterious suggestion, which baby rooster chooses to follow. The result. At long last he learns the exact words he has to say to wake up the farm.

We learned about Cock-a-Doodle-Quack! Quack! from another mom/daughter in our co-op. It is both cute and funny, the perfect combination for a preschooler to enjoy. The illustrations by Sophie Jubb add to the delight of this book. Definitely put this one to your library list. A must read.

While browsing for non-fiction books about animals I discovered a collection called First Step Nonfiction Farm Animals by Robin Nelson and published between 2008 and 2009 by Lerner Publications Company of Minneapolis, MN. Each of these little hardcover books run approximately 20-25 pages and highlight a particular animal with photographs and short and simple sentences. "What lives on a farm? chickens live on a farm. A female chicken is a hen. A male chicken is a rooster." and so on and so forth. I picked up the books on Cows, Chickens, Horses, Pigs, Goats, and Sheep. I am hoping the author or publisher will expand this collection to include ducks, rabbits, and some of the other farm animals and pets. They are fun to read and touch upon enough information my 3 year old enjoys them and comes away knowing more than she did before we read. Again, great read-aloud books. I can't wait to refresh by visiting these animals at the fair!

Happy reading!


Unknown said...

Love both of those! That NF series sounds like something my son could read independently, and he loves silly -- so. . . .Both a hit to this recommendation-seeker.

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I hate Mondays too!

Here is mine

morninglight mama said...

The first book sounds like something that my younger two would enjoy- thanks for the recommendations!

Nancy said...

My 3 year old would love that first title, thanks for sharing!


Brimful Curiosities said...

My kids really love going to the fair to see the animals. My daughter loves the bunnies, especially. This year she was able to pet one.

Annell said...

We LOVE Cock a doodle Quack Quack!

I recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading it!

I've awarded you the One Lovely Blogger Award! Here is the link:
