CONTEST IS CLOSED (1/31/09 - 10:00pm EST) THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR PARTICIPATING! The winner is DANIELLE (#49) as selected by CONGRATULATIONS, Danielle! Your book and gift card will be on their way shortly.

This is an exciting week for book lovers nationwide... it's the Bloggy Giveaway Quarterly Carnival week!
Last quarter I gave away a two-volume hardcover set of Middlemarch by George Elliot to Amber.

The second item is a special bonus -- a $5 gift card to Starbucks.

If you are interested here's how to enter my contest and possibly win!
1. Option A: Subscriber to this blog (using Blogger, Bloglines, GoogleReader, etc.). Once you subscribe please leave a comment at this post letting me know you have done so. If you have subscribed to this blog in the past, please see Option B.
Option B: Browse this blog, find and read one of my book reviews (that you haven't read before), and leave a comment at this post telling me what it is that you particularly enjoyed (or did not enjoy) about a specific review (or reviews).
2. Leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you. Or if you have a way to be reached by your blog, leave a valid link back to your blog where I can contact you.
3. Contest open to U.S. residents only (sorry) and ends on Saturday evening, January 31st. I will announce the winner and contact them around February 1st or 2nd. (The winner will be selected using a random number generator.)
In the meantime, even if you don't win I encourage you to come back for the Winter Book Swap in February and watch for other Book Giveaway's in the future. To increase your chances of winning something (books, gift certificates, non-book items, etc.) this week be sure to check out Bloggy Giveaways by clicking here.
**NOTE: Be assured I will contact the winner and will mail the prize. Generally books are sent "media mail" so they may be a little slow to arrive but they will be sent.
This book looks great -- I liked the movie!
Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Sarah - I just added your blog to my google reader :)
adw7984 at gmail dot com
I read this review:
(Well, that link doesn't look right, but it was "Don't make me count to 3".)
I like the balanced view you gave. It looks like a great read.
Really enjoyed the movie and would like to read the book too. I subscribed via bloglines.
You have a wonderful blog. The title totally appeals to me, especially since I work in hospitals anyway!
jennygirl73 AT gmail DOT com
I've already subscribed to your blog via bloglines, so I went and looked at your reviews labeled "Classics" (because the classics really are my first love :)). I really enjoyed this review:
The only Gaskell novel I have read so far is Wives and Daughters, which I loved. So I am looking forward to delving into some of her other works.
You can reach me via our blog or on Facebook, of course. :)
i subbed - the giftcard will be great while i'm reading my new book to my daughters.
Since I am already a subscriber - I went back and read your review of A Blue Castle. I have been thinking of joining the Montgomery challenge, but am in so many now, not sure where I would squeeze it in. This book definitely sounds intriguing though!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I've actually just subscribed - you always have good stuff up. Should have done it earlier.
whitney (dot) archer (@) gmail (dot) com
I am already subscribed via google reader.
I just read your review:
The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery
I have not been intrigued to read L.M. Montgomery books. I keep hearing over and over again how Anne of Green Gables is great but just cannot seem to get to reading it.
I am *now* intrigued to read a book by L.M. Montgomery after reading your review. It seems that this may be a style of story that I like to read. A story set in the early 1900's sounds good as well. I have read alot in the 1800's and several in the 1500s lately.
Now to put the book on my TBR list so that I do not forget to read it.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I loved this book years ago. I still have a copy but it's all torn and damaged from moving, I'd love a crisp new copy! Great blog, loved reading the reviews. Thanks for the giveaway! I follow your blog.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I am a subscriber via Google Reader. What a great giveaway.
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
Looks like an interesting book; count me in. I'd give the coffee card to my son.
I subscribed via google. THank you!
i subscribe.
I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!
I read your review of The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy. Your comparison to Under the Lilacs was helpful. Love to win Ella Enchanted. Thanks.
The Little Lady Agency looks really good! I love books that will make me laugh!!
Wow...what a great site - I love books, and so do my kids. I read your review on Gossie - I had seen this at the library, and acutally had Olivier Dunrea as my author-in-residence in elementary school, so I got to know him some, and have some autographed books from him. That was before this book. Thanks!
I read your review of One Hundred and One Dalmatians and found it interesting because I didn't know there was a book! I liked how you pointed out the differences between the movie and the book and how you suggested people might like to add it to their personal collection. When someone does that it means they really enjoyed it!
Thanks for the chance to win Ella Enchanted.
I read the Ella Enchanted review. I like that you talk about the book and the movie.
I just subscribed! I'm in grad school to become a librarian...thanks for blogging!
I have never read this book but sounds like I should! Thanks for the chance to win.
snkjohnson at gmail dot com
I liked your Anne of the Island review, because it reminded me of my love of the Anne books, and made me want to read the series again. I pick up Rilla of Ingleside every now and again and read it, but I haven't read the first three books since high school.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I subscribed in bloglines!
What a great site you have! I totally got lost looking over your different reviews. :) The review I liked most, so far, is the one on Charlotte's Web. I have a deep love for classic Children's book, but have yet to add this to my collection. My daughter and I have started going through longer chapter books this year and this one is on our list. I love how you tell a little bit about the author to give even more perspective.
Thanks for the great giveaway! My mom and I were just talking about Ella Enchanted and I would love to read it. Thanks!
thegood3 at gmail dot com
book and coffee, my kind of giveaway!
I subscribed!! :) Thanks for the chance to win! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the chance!
I just added you to my google reader after you told me about the book review on "Don't Make Me Count to Three"! I'll contact you bout Bible study via email. :)
love starbucks and I have never read the book! Great bloggy givaway!
xlr8cindy @ gmail (dot) com
I subscribed! Thanks!
I subscribed. I loved this movie and am sure I will enjoy the book more!!
I've subscribed. I was just talking to someone about Ella Enchanted last week. She had read the book and only seen the movie. So I'd love to read it.
I just subscribed! This looks like a great book and I would enjoy sharing this with my daughter too!
I just subscribed to your blog through Google Reader.
I subscribed with Blog Lines.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I jsut read your review of "Nothing but the Truth" by Avi. I like you writing style and honesty about the book.
Thanks for your giveaway!
mnatherson at comcast dot net
2 things I could definitely use. A new book to read and Starbucks! My 6 year old son and I go to Starbucks once a week as our "mommy/son" time to sit and talk. I get a vanilla bean and he gets a Hot Chocolate (Double Chocolate Chip Drink in the summer)With times so bad, this is one thing I refuse to cut our of our budget. This would get us a weeks worth of catching up free!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
In all the excitement I forgot to put I am a new subscriber via google reader! lol Thanks
Anne of the Island review is my pick because it brought back some fond memories :)
subscribed! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
chantellesabino at mac dot com
I just subscribed. Reading and quilting are my life. I'm surprised I've not been aware of such a quality blog.
Thanks for such a great giveaway. Your blog is wonderful!
I enjoyed reading your review and comments on a childhood and adult favorite: Charlotte's Web.
What fond memories you brought to mind from such a great book.
The Little Lady Agency looks really good! I love books that will make me laugh!!
I subscribed via google reader! Great giveaway! hawkgirl_16 at hotmail dot com
I just subscribed. I'm so excited I found your blog!
So excited about this book. I subscribe in google reader!
I subscribed via Google reader.
Just subscribed via google reader, thanks, great website!
I read the Ella Enchanted review. Since I never heard of the book, your review now has me interested enough to want to read it.
I love Starbucks and I have always been interested in this book.
I would love to read this book.
I subscribed.
I would LOVE to win this- I'd take the book to starbucks and read the whole thing snuggled up on their couch with my chai tea :)
I subscribed through googlereader!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
I enjoyed reading several of your reviews. It looks like we have a lot of the same tastes. I like how you review them too. "The Little Ladies Agency" and "The Silver Pencil" caught my eye this time around. I've slowly been reading through the Newberry books (too fun!) and I really have been enjoying, "Dream When You're Feeling Blue" by Elizabeth Berg about sisters and WWII. I think you might like it too. It's a compelling book that stays with you for a while.
I subscribed via my google reader.
Great book!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Heather at
This is MY favorite giveaway! please enter me in
1thank you sooooooo much!
I read your review of Charlotte's Web because I talked about this book on my blog here. I thought you did a good job of reviewing it. Although I liked to compare it to the older movie more (but then again, I own that movie but not the newer one)... ;)
This is calling all me...what more can you ask for some coffee and a good book to get into!
sacredmpp @ gmail .com
I subscribed via google reader.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.
I sub via google reader- thanks for the chance to win.
I have subscribed thro google reader.thansk
I have subscribed via google reader :)
alwaysalways at ymail dot com
subscribing via google reader!
Subscribing via Goggle
I've subscribed via bloglines and your Winter Book Swap looks interesting too!
I like books, i have never read this one. I liked the movie!!!
spwohnhas AT yahoo DOT com
I liked the Ella Enchanted review. I haven't read the book, but now I am interested.
I read your review of Anne of the Island. I really like that your review blended a plot summary and details about related reads with your own personal experience related to this book. I'll be reading more of your reviews! beezerly at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have never read this book so it would be a true treat.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I subscribe to your feed via Google Reader.
Can't wait to read your reviews :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I read a review of the Other Side of the Mountain. It was very thorough and I had the same thought that how could a child be allowed to run away and live alone for so long?
I love the name of your blog! I subscribed in bloglines, glad to have found another book blog!
I subscribed via Google Reader.
Thanks for the giveaway...I'd love to read Ella Enchanted!
I subscribed.
I love the Blue and Mint Green Spa/Kitchen Mini Washcloth/Dishcloth Set. The colors are so pretty!
i have read your review of One Hundred and One Dalmatians. I didn't realize how many differences there were between the movie and the book. interesting! thanks
You make me want to read The Blue Castle! I will put it on my list.
I subscribed via Google Reader!
I subscribed
reginald2004 at gmail dot com
I am aw subscriber via Google Reader. The Winter Book swap sounds fun! thanks!
skstigger (at)
I subscribed via Google Reader. :)
I like your post about you being puzzled and wondering what childrens book you were looking for that you can't find. To bad I don't know either.Thanks,
I subscribed to your feed on google reader.
I subscribed via google reader.
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