Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Teasers

"Yes, it was England -- England. It was the England of Constable and Morland, of Miss Mitford and Miss Austen, the Brontes and George Eliot. The land which softly rolled and clothed itself in the rich verdure of many trees, sometimes in lovely clusters, sometimes in covering copse, was Constable's; the ripe young woman with the fat-legged children and the farmyard beasts about her, as she fed the hens from the wooden piggin under arm, was Morland's own. The village street might be Miss Mitford's, the well-to-do house Jane Austen's own fancy, in its warm brick and comfortable decorum. She laughed a little as she thought it.

'That is American,' she said, 'the habit of comparing every stick and stone and breathing thing to some literary parallel. We almost invariably say that things remind us of pictures or books -- most usually books. It seems a little crude, but perhaps it means that we are an intensely literary and artistic people.' "

The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Chapter 10, page 101


Kaye said...

oh, that sounds Wonderful! with a capital W. Wow, I need to get this one.

Erika Powell said...

i really like that teaser!

My teaser tuesday

Noël De Vries said...

Reminds me of You've Got Mail, when she says, so much of life reminds me of something I've read in a book, but shouldn't it be the other way around?

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous. I so want a copy of The Shuttle. I have been dropping hints, but with no results so far. One day I will come up with a good excuse to order a copy from Persephone!