Of those who have heard of her some may be fans, others may have only read a few of her books, and still others have not read a single one. Personally, I consider myself a fan. I've read several of her books and I enjoy them. But what of you? Read all her books? Some? None? Whatever your previous familiarity has been there is never a better time to become reacquainted or better acquainted with the Queen of Crime than now during Christie Week (Sept 13-20).
In honor of Christie Week Kerrie over at Mysteries in Paradise has organized her own blog tour that is scheduled to run from Sunday, September 13 through Wednesday, September 23. Each participating blog will post something special about Ms. Chrisite, be it a book or movie review, discussion, or various interesting tid-bits. It looks to be a fun week for mystery lovers.
For more information check out Mysteries in Paradise or click on the date specific links to follow the tour. Note yours truly is scheduled for Saturday, September 19. Check back to see what I post and of course, if you choose to take this opportunity to read a mystery by Dame Agatha Christie be sure to join the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge so you can be part of the September 23rd closing post and ninth ACRC Carnival.
Tour sites:
13 September: Overkill
14 September: Reactions to Reading
15 September: Elizabeth at Miss Lemon Mysteries
16 September: Just A (Reading) Fool
17 September: Margot at Joyfully Retired
18 September: Crime Scraps
19 September: A library is a hospital for the mind...
20 September: Confessions of a Mystery Novelist
21 September: BooksPlease
22 September: TBA
23 September: ACRC Carnival #9
Happy reading!
"These little grey cells. It is up to them." ~ Agatha Christie
1 comment:
I love the idea of an Agatha Christie tour. i haven't read her (not much of a mystery person) but i know she's a classic!
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