April was an excellent month for reading, which really surprises me as it was just as busy as the previous three. Still, somehow in spite of my very hecitc schedule I was able to enjoy several books waiting on my nightstand as well as a few others that I happened upon. I have a work trip this weekend, you never know, I might polish off one more book before the month's end.
What currently sits on my nightstand and will be read in the coming weeks:

The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope. Confession. I've never read Trollope. Yet one cannot be a reader of classics and not read at least one book by this author. Thankfully I get to kill two birds with one stone and read this book as part of my book club. It's nearly 800 pages and I have until June 2nd to finish it. This is probably going to take up all my reading time in May, but I'm still excited. I know this won't be nearly the challenge that The Brothers Karamazov was back in January.
Of course, if there is still time left once I finish reading these two book, then I might pick up one or both of the following:
The House at Riveton by Kate Morton
What about you? Have some interesting and entertaining reads on your nightstand? Leave a comment with a link to your nightstand list or head over to 5MinutesforBooks and link up your post.
Bonne lecture!
Enjoy The Great Gatsby!
Ooohhh The Great Gatsby - good choice. :)
Great list - I haven't read The Great Gatsby yet but I will definitely need to at some point.
Gatsby is one I've pondered picking up lately, too. I'm reading a Hemingway book that mentions Fitzgerald and that sparked the pondering... Do let us know what you think of it!
I like the cover art of The House at Riveton. I have no idea what its about but I want to read it already because:
a.) You have it listed here; and
b.) I like the covert art!
BTW, you are correct in your guess as to why I want to read Ben-Hur. ;)
Gotta love those "oughta" reads--I generally find myself enjoying them once I start, but I manage to completely freak myself out about the classics before I start them.
I've never read Trollope either and will be interested in your thoughts on this book!
I just reread The Great Gatsby last year or so, and I watched a recent adaptation which was pretty interesting. I hope you enjoy it.
Having picked up a copy of The Great Gatsby at a book sale earlier this year, I started it up last weekend because of its slim size.
I am struggling with it but persevere b/c of its popularity.
I also thought I would try Trollope after finding a copy of The Warden at the same book sale.
And you can't go wrong with Agatha Christie. I started her autobiography but had to return it to the library before I could finish it as someone else had requested it.
Are you familiar with Miss Read? I love her books. She also has some autobiographical books that I need to track down and read.
I read the Great Gatsby in high school (i.e. a long time ago) and I'd like to read it again. I think I'd get more out of it now that I'm older. Happy reading!
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