I had great plans for my blog this week and yet with everything going on in my life I find that the more I try to get ahead the more behind I am.
I had hoped to find time to post a couple book reviews this week and maybe even a Friday Five Favs, but after getting up very early to drive myself to the airport, and then traveling across the country for a work event I find myself too exhausted to think clearly. It's been a long day and it's late and as I sit here alone in the hotel room my brain is fuzzy, my eyes are tired and I think I'm just going to wait.
But I do have some good news. Thanks to my flights today I was able to start and finish The Great Gatsby, bringing my April reads up to 8 books (20 for the year) and another "must read" off my TBR list. Although I am still mulling over my thoughts I know I will have much to say in my review, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I am planning to start reading The Way We Live Now on my return flight.
Happy reading, may you have a relaxing weekend.
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