I also love that the Betsy-Tacy series is based on Maud's real life experiences, her friends and family, and the thoughts and feelings she had as a young girl and a young woman. When I read them they are not only a delightfully entertaining, but they feel real as if I am reading the adventures of a friend. Maud was born with some amazing gifts. Writing was one and the other was the ability to capture her life and put it down on paper for others to enjoy and relive through their imagination.
But writing aside, I also have a lot of respect for Maud as a person. When I read The Betsy-Tacy Companion (the only thorough biography of Maud Hart Lovelace) last year I grew to appreciate her even more. Maud had a happy and fulfilling life. She was loving and kind and was loved by her friends and family. She brought joy through her books as well as her day to day life. She had true faith and I can only imagine she must have been a wonderful person to know and call "friend."
2. Jo

"Delos and I are mutually agreed that marrying each other
was giving the perfect answer to life." ~ MHL, 11/28/1931

In recent years I've found it especially fun to note the books mentioned within a book I am reading. Sometimes I find new titles to read and other times I can't help but laugh in agreement when a character expresses an opinion about a book I've also read. One of my top favorite reads of all times is Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Shuttle. I was thrilled last year when I discovered this was a book that Betsy also read with her friends (see Betsy Was a Junior, Chapter 7). I think in a way it is almost an inside joke between authors and readers when a book is mentioned within a book. I love it.
4. The timelessness of her books. Maud's stories are set 50-100+ years ago (depending on which one you pick up and read) and there are definitely aspects of the books that date them, yet they all give a feeling of timelessness. Times may have changed, but overall people don't change. They still have the same basic hopes and dreams fears and desires it's just how they are manifested that has changed. I love how rich the characters are. Family matters; character and ethics matter; faith matters; the American dream matters. I love the fact that the lessons learned within each story are just as applicable today as they were when they were written (or in some cases, when they occurred).
5. The music. There are LOTS of songs woven into Maud Hart Lovelace's books. I am so glad she chose to include so much of the popular arts -- music, theater, books, etc. I think it is fascinating for readers of the 21st century to see what was popular for young people 100 years ago.
One of my many favorite scenes in the Betsy books is the one when Joe FINALLY asks Betsy for a dance and she scratches a name for him. It is the point in the series where the reader finally gets a glimpse of what is to come:
"In five minutes the news had spread around the hall. Joe Willard had asked Betsy Ray for a dance. She had scratched off a name to give him one... The tenth dance ended and there followed the brief intermission during which boys took leave of their old partners and sough new ones. Betsy waited for joe. He did not come. Mamie Dodd started to play the piano. It was a new song Betsy liked, "The girl I'll call my sweetheart, Must look like you..."I really wanted to find the music or lyrics from the song that Betsy and Joe dance to, but it seems to be lost in the passage of time. I did however find a similarly titled song, Let Me Call You Sweetheart written by Leo Friedman that the Betsy Tacy Society has included in their CD Maud's Music of Deep Valley. (I should mention here I really WANT a copy of this CD!) It was written the same year, 1910, and although the lyrics are different I think it is close enough to count. I chose a piano solo as it reminded me of Mamie Dodd. I can almost see in my mind's eye Joe whirling Betsy across the floor as she thinks, "I wonder what about next year..." Enjoy!
Couples moved out to the floor, circled. Still Joe didn't come.
Betsy stood alone. She would stand there only a moment She knew the proper thing to do if you were stranded without a partner, although she had seldom found herself in that undesirable predicament. She started to move toward the cloak room but first her eyes circled the hall and she saw Joe almost running up the stairs...
Betsy smiled. Joe put his arm around her and they moved out onto the dance floor. He danced well, not smoothly like Dave, nor with Tony's rhythmic skill but with zest and in perfect time. He whirled her as she had never been whirled before." (Betsy Was A Junior, Chapter 22)
Happy friday and happy reading!
Ok, you are getting super creative here! =D
And yes to the importance of reading!
Have a great weekend!
I've really learned a lot about Maud Hart Lovelace since visiting your blog!
I have never read her, but you're making a good case for trying out one of her books.
I always love reading your Fave fives. This week was no different. How fun to discover a new author!
I love the Betsy-Tacy-Tib books, too. They were always special to us growing up because they took place in a town based on the Mankato, MN area where many of my mom's relatives lived and she would tell us about the landmarks that she could identify in the books. Hooray for timeless stories!
Wow...SO creative! And educational. You're really tempting us, aren't you?
I love your section about timelessness!
Have a great week ahead.
This author sounds wonderful. I would have never known about her - thanks for sharing this along the with the very nice sounding piano music! You might also enjoy a really inspiring memoir I just finished called, "Voices of the Heart," by Linda Lambert Pestana. The author's story instills finding inner peace and to believe in yourself. I got a lot out of this one.
This is really tempting me to run to the library and start reading some of these books.
How can anyone follow your blog and NOT be desperate to read Betsy-Tacy?
I totally feel like Maud wrote about Joe initially...all leading to how perfect they are together. And I have only completed Betsy's sophomore year of high school!
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